Isentropic quasi-1D steady compressible flow

This notebook demonstrates the use of the compressible flow tools for computing states and processes in isentropic quasi-1d steady compressible flow.

Set up the module

using Gasdynamics1D
using Plots
using LaTeXStrings

Using isentropic relations

Let us apply some basic isentropic relations.

Example 1

Let's suppose two states of the flow in air, 1 and 2, are connected with each other by an isentropic process. We know the pressure p1 is 101 kPa, the temperature T1 is 20 degrees C, and the pressure p2 is 80 kPa. What is temperature T2?

To answer this, we will use the relationship

\[\dfrac{T_2}{T_1} = \left( \dfrac{p_2}{p_1}\right)^{(\gamma-1)/\gamma}\]

p1 = Pressure(101u"kPa")
T1 = Temperature(20u"°C")
p2 = Pressure(80u"kPa")
Pressure = 80000.0 Pa

First, let's set the pressure ratio:

p2_over_p1 = PressureRatio(p2/p1)
PressureRatio = 0.7920792079207921

Now find the temperature ratio. Note below that we specify the argument Isentropic to make sure it is clear that we are using the isentropic relation. We only need this argument when it is needed for clarity.

T2_over_T1 = TemperatureRatio(p2_over_p1,Isentropic)
TemperatureRatio = 0.9355709895748232

It is important to understand that the tools "know" what formula you want to use (the one listed above), based on the fact that (a) you supplied it with a pressure ratio (the purpose of the PressureRatio line above), and (b) you told it that the process is Isentropic. It figures out the rest. Finally, calculate $T_2 = T_1 (T_2/T_1)$:

T2 = Temperature(T1*T2_over_T1)
Temperature = 274.2626355938594 K

or, in Celsius, if desired

1.1126355938594088 °C

We could also do all of this in one line, though it is a bit harder to debug if something goes wrong:

T2 = Temperature(T1*TemperatureRatio(PressureRatio(p2/p1),Isentropic))
Temperature = 274.2626355938594 K

Example 2

If the temperature ratio $T/T_0$ is 0.2381, what is the Mach number?

MachNumber = 3.9999475007054572

Example 3

If the Mach number is 4.4 and stagnation pressure is 800 kPa, what is the pressure?

Pressure = 3134.1119713819485 Pa

Mach - area relations

A big part of isentropic quasi-1D flow deals with changes of the flow in variable-area ducts. For these calculations, we make use of the sonic area $A_*$ as a reference area. Remember that, for any ratio of $A/A_*$, there are two possible Mach numbers, corresponding to a subsonic flow and a supersonic flow. Let us see that by plotting $A/A_*$ versus Mach number $M$. If, for example, $A/A_* = 2$, then note where the dashed line crosses the plot:

Mrange = range(0,6,length=601)
Aratio = []
for M in Mrange

plot(Mrange,Aratio,xlim=(0,4),ylim=(0,12),yticks=0:1:12,xlabel="Mach number",ylabel=L"A/A_*",legend=false)
Example block output

Example 4

What are the subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers associated with, for example, an area ratio $A/A_*$ of 2 (the dashed line in the plot above)? We simply input the desired area ratio and find the two solutions:

M1, M2 = MachNumber(AreaRatio(2),Isentropic);
MachNumber = 0.3059038341891081
MachNumber = 2.1971981216521868

A related question: What is the local sonic reference area $A_*$ when the Mach number is 7.1 and the local area is 50 sq cm?

We first compute $A/A_*$ from $M = 7.1$, then compute $A_* = A/(A/A_*)$:

A = Area(50u"cm^2")
M = MachNumber(7.1)
A_over_Astar = AOverAStar(M,Isentropic)
Astar = Area(A/A_over_Astar)
0.4507312336039658 cm^2

So the throat would have to be 0.45 sq cm, much smaller than 50 sq cm! Note that there is a convenience function to do those steps all in one:

0.4507312336039658 cm^2

Example 5

Consider the flow of air through a converging-diverging nozzle, leaving a stagnant reservoir at pressure $p_0$ = 700 kPa and temperature $T_0 = 30$ degrees C. The Mach number at a location (1) in the converging section with area 50 sq cm is equal to 0.4. The exit of the nozzle has area 60 sq cm.

(a) What are the possible Mach numbers at the exit in choked isentropic conditions? What are the exit (i.e., "back") pressures $p_2$ associated with these two Mach numbers?

(b) What is the mass flow rate through the nozzle in these conditions?

First, we set the known values

p0 = StagnationPressure(700u"kPa")
T0 = StagnationTemperature(30u"°C")
A1 = Area(50u"cm^2")
A2 = Area(60u"cm^2")
M1 = MachNumber(0.4)
MachNumber = 0.4

Now, we compute $A_1/A_*$ from $M_1$. Use this to calculate $A_*$ from $A_1/(A_1/A_*)$. Then calculate $A_2/A_*$:

A1_over_Astar = AOverAStar(M1,Isentropic,gas=Air)
Astar = Area(A1/A1_over_Astar)
A2_over_Astar = AreaRatio(A2/Astar)
AreaRatio = 1.9081680000000003

Now calculate the Mach numbers at location 2 (the nozzle exit):

M2sub = SubsonicMachNumber(A2_over_Astar,Isentropic,gas=Air);
M2sup = SupersonicMachNumber(A2_over_Astar,Isentropic,gas=Air);

Actually, all of the last few steps can be done in one step with a different version of the function MachNumber:

M2sub, M2sup = MachNumber(M1,A1,A2,Isentropic,gas=Air);

Now let's determine the exit pressures (location 2) corresponding to these two Mach numbers:

p0_over_p2sub = P0OverP(M2sub,Isentropic,gas=Air)
p2sub = Pressure(p0/p0_over_p2sub)
651.301619254323 kPa
p0_over_p2sup = P0OverP(M2sup,Isentropic,gas=Air)
p2sup = Pressure(p0/p0_over_p2sup)
71.48184181875564 kPa

So if the exit pressure is 651 kPa, then the flow will remain choked and subsonic throughout, and if the exit pressure is 71.5 kPa, then the flow will remain choked and supersonic throughout.

Note that, because the flow is choked, the mass flow rate is the same for both of these cases. Let's calculate that mass flow rate (using $\rho_1 u_1 A_1$). We need $\rho_1$ and $u_1$. First, calculate the stagnation density in this nozzle:

ρ0 = StagnationDensity(p0,T0,gas=Air) # this uses the perfect gas law
StagnationDensity = 8.045602474827321 kg m^-3

Using $M_1$, find $\rho_0/\rho_1$:

ρ0_over_ρ1 = ρ0Overρ(M1,Isentropic,gas=Air)
DensityRatio = 1.0819301994280557

So we can get $\rho_1$ from $\rho_0/(\rho_0/\rho_1)$:

ρ1 = Density(ρ0/ρ0_over_ρ1)
Density = 7.436341530239654 kg m^-3

Now get $u_1$ from $M_1 c_1$, where $c_1$ is the speed of sound. For that, we need $T_1$:

T0_over_T1 = T0OverT(M1,Isentropic,gas=Air)
T1 = Temperature(T0/T0_over_T1)
c1 = SoundSpeed(T1)
SoundSpeed = 343.55312544059313 m s^-1
u1 = Velocity(M1*c1)
Velocity = 137.42125017623727 m s^-1

And now we can put it all together:

mdot = MassFlowRate(ρ1*u1*A1)
MassFlowRate = 5.109556749115033 kg s^-1

So the mass flow rate is stuck at 5.1 kg/s

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