Steady frictional flow through a constant-area duct

This notebook demonstrates the use of tools for computing flow through a constant-area duct with frictional effects, also known as Fanno flow

Set up the module

using Gasdynamics1D
using Plots
using LaTeXStrings

Some general aspects of Fanno flow

Most calculations with frictional flow involve the relationship between Mach number and the reference length $L^*$, representing the length required from that point to bring the flow to Mach number equal to 1. The relationship is based on the dimensionless parameter

\[\dfrac{f L^*}{D}\]

where $f$ is the Darcy friction factor and $D$ is the duct diameter. Let's plot this relationship for air:

Mrange = range(0.1,8,length=801)
fLDarray = []
for M in Mrange
plot(Mrange,fLDarray,xlim=(0,8),ylim=(0,10),xticks=0:1:8,xlabel="Mach number",ylabel=L"fL^*/D",legend=false)
Example block output

Notice that the reference length goes to zero at Mach number 1, as it should, by its definition. It should also be noted that there are a few values of $fL^*/D$ for which there are two possible Mach numbers–-one subsonic and one supersonic. This is analogous to the situation in isentropic flow with area changes.

Example 1

Flow enters a duct of diameter 2 cm at Mach number equal to 0.1 and leaves at Mach number equal to 0.5. Assume that the friction factor is equal to 0.024 throughout.

(a) What is the length of the duct?

(b) How much longer would the duct have to be to reach Mach number equal to 1 at the exit? First, we use $M_1 = 0.1$ to calculate $f L_1^*/D$. We will do the same with $M_2$ to calculate $f L_2^*/D$. The actual length $L$ is given by the difference between $L_1^*$ and $L_2^*$.

f = FrictionFactor(0.024)
D = Diameter(2u"cm")
Diameter = 0.02 m
M1 = MachNumber(0.1)
fL1star_over_D = FLStarOverD(M1,FannoFlow)
FLOverD = 66.92156002983701
M2 = MachNumber(0.5)
fL2star_over_D = FLStarOverD(M2,FannoFlow)
FLOverD = 1.0690603127182559

Now calculate $L_1^*$ and $L_2^*$, and $L$ from their difference:

L1star = Length(fL1star_over_D*D/f)
L2star = Length(fL2star_over_D*D/f)
L = Length(L1star-L2star)
Length = 54.87708309759896 m

The additional length needed to bring the flow to Mach number 1 is, by definition, $L_2^*$:

Length = 0.89088359393188 m

So we only need 0.89 m more to bring the flow to sonic (choked) conditions.

Example 2

Consider a flow of air through a circular pipe of diameter 3 cm, starting at stagnation pressure 200 kPa, stagnation temperature 500 K, and velocity 100 m/s. The friction factor in the pipe can be assumed to be 0.02 throughout.

(a) What length of pipe would be needed to drive the flow to Mach number 1 at the exit?

(b) What is the mass flow rate through the pipe at those conditions?

(c) Suppose the pipe were 30 m long. How would the mass flow rate change?

For (a), we are seeking $L_1^*$. First set the known conditions:

D = Diameter(3u"cm")
p01 = StagnationPressure(200u"kPa")
T01 = StagnationTemperature(500)
u1 = Velocity(100)
f = FrictionFactor(0.02)
FrictionFactor = 0.02

Now calculate the Mach number at the entrance. For this, we need $c_1$, the speed of sound. We get this by using the known stagnation temperature $T_{01} = 500$ K and velocity $u_1 = 100$ m/s. We will calculate the temperature $T_1$ from these (using $h_1 = h_{01} - u_1^2/2$), and $c_1$ from that:

h01 = StagnationEnthalpy(T01)
h1 = Enthalpy(h01,u1) # this computes h1 = h01 - u1^2/2
T1 = Temperature(h1)
c1 = SoundSpeed(T1)
M1 = MachNumber(u1/c1)
MachNumber = 0.22422426466543754

Now we can compute $fL_1^*/D$ and then $L_1^*$. This is what we seek.

fL1starD = FLStarOverD(M1,FannoFlow)
L1star = Length(fL1starD*D/f)
Length = 16.61627062881485 m

so we need a pipe of 16.6 m to reach Mach number 1.

Now let's compute the mass flow rate. We need the area and density. For the density, we will first get the stagnation density (from $p_{01}$ and $T_{01}$) and then get density from the isentropic relation. (We are not using isentropic relations between two different points in the duct; we are using it to relate local stagnation conditions to local conditions.)

A = Area(D)
ρ01 = StagnationDensity(p01,T01)
ρ1 = Density(ρ01,M1,Isentropic)
Density = 1.3592996670896507 kg m^-3

and the mass flow rate is:

ṁ = MassFlowRate(ρ1*u1*A)
MassFlowRate = 0.09608323158350769 kg s^-1

(c) Now suppose the pipe is 30 m long. This becomes our new $L_1^*$, and all of the conditions at the entrance must adjust accordingly. First find the Mach number

Lstar = L = Length(30u"m")
fLstar_over_D = FLOverD(f*Lstar/D)
M1 = SubsonicMachNumber(fLstar_over_D,FannoFlow)
MachNumber = 0.17412070574446858

Note that the entrance Mach number is lower. The flow slows down due to the longer pipe. Now find the new values of $\rho_1$ and $u_1$ (by finding $c_1$):

T1 = Temperature(T01,M1,Isentropic)
ρ1 = Density(ρ01,M1,Isentropic)
c1 = SoundSpeed(T1)
u1 = Velocity(c1,M1)
ṁ = MassFlowRate(ρ1*u1*A)
MassFlowRate = 0.07550479948926711 kg s^-1

So the mass flow rate is smaller than it was with the shorter pipe! For the same reservoir conditions, less mass flow rate is delivered to a longer (choked) pipe.

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